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Artist's rendition of one of the habitable planets in the trappist-1 system (source: https://www.eso.org/public/images/eso1706r/)


Recreation Room

One of the several recreational areas on Lunar Base 12, you spend much of your time here when you aren't working or in your room. Like every other part of this lunar base, it's hardly luxurious, but it is functional.

An old earth-style video projector hangs from the ceiling, pointing at one plain white wall. Several mismatched couches and armchairs are arranged in a vague curve facing the projection. A crooked darts board hangs on the adjacent wall, above and slightly to the left of a kitchenette consisting of a fridge, microwave, sink, and kettle. There's a dart stuck in the ceiling, and there has been since you moved here. A pool table and a battered foosball table stand slightly awkwardly in the centre of the room.

Two doors lead off the main room, one into a storage room and the other to an observation deck.

What do you want to do?

> "Examine" Kitchenette
> Go to the storage room
> Go to the observation deck

> Back to the central hub