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Artist's rendition of one of the habitable planets in the trappist-1 system (source: https://www.eso.org/public/images/eso1706r/)


Welcome to the "start" page of my text adventure - have fun & enjoy the ride! Will update whenever I have time, hopefully adding something at least weekly.

You start on Lunar Base 12, one of the many human colonies on Earth's moon. However, you won't be staying there long - you've just been selected for the first-ever manned mission to another stellar system!!

Your instructions? To confirm or deny the existence of extra-terrestrial life in that sector and to study the planet TRAPPIST-1e, which orbits in the circumstellar habitable zone of TRAPPIST-1 and, according to current observations, is thought to fulfil the necessary conditions for human habitation.

You will travel in a small starship equipped with an Alcubierre drive - it is the first non-test ship to run on this technology. As such, your mission will also involve studying the effects and efficiency of the Alcubierre drive, as well as the previously stated planetary and stellar system studies.

As today is the day that you will set off on the mission, you and the other members of the crew have been given the day off from your regular duties to say your goodbyes and tidy up any unfinished business on the station, as you won't be returning for at least a year.

Where would you like to go?

> Habitation Dome
> Science Labs
> Medical Dome
> Launchpad
> Straight to the Starship (Skip all optional lunar base exploration)